
VITA Tronic MIDI / VITA Tronic MAXI – space harmoniser

INDOOR and OUTDOOR SPACE HARMONISATION for all areas of life, for all living and work spaces

Everything is vibrations
(Wolfgang Pauli)

In our modernized world, but also in a natural setting, there are different types of
interference zones. When subject to excessive pressure these fields can have an impact on our daily lives and our well-being. Studies show that many diseases may occur due to interference fields. Yet an environment completely without interferences would be unnatural. However, space harmonization reduces the amount of interference intensity in diverse areas of life, as well as in living and work spaces, to a healthier level.

What interference zones are there?

  • water veins
  • bedrock disruptions
  • Hartmann grid and Curry grid
  • electromagnetic interference zones


Give your professional life and everyday life a chance for harmony and balance.

Vita Tronic – space charger
Harmonious Balance in an electro-technical environment as well as with terrestrial radiation and
water veins
Vita Tronic vibrates in a frequency that is related to the earth's magnetic field inresonance (multi-
vital frequency). It ensures a physically measurable balance of the static and ultra-low-frequency
magnetic field. Thus, the interference intensity in houses, apartments and workplaces can be
reduced and a pleasant and harmonious living environment created.
The basis for the design of the Vita Tronic resonator is a hexagonal shape. Examples of these are
commonly found in nature in honeycombs, snowflakes or water molecules. Even the symbol of the
flower of life is based on hexagonal geometry and has represented power and order, harmony and
joie de vivre for centuries.
The sacred geometry of the flower of life is impressed into the resonator of the Vita Tronic and is a
wonderful improvement for all living spaces.
The ideal location for the Vita Tronic is a dry room where the vita Tronic is permanently placed and
can swing freely on a stable surface. The flower of life is clearly visible and pointing upwards. The Vita
Tronic is connected to the electric circuit; the proximity of electrical equipment such as computers,
televisions, fuse boxes, pumps, satellite equipment and the like should be avoided for optimal
functionality of the Vita Tronic.

Radiation influence without Vita Tronic
Earth rays and electric smog as a ca use of disease?
Different sources of interference lead to increased interference values in living and working areas. Values above 900 interference units can change cells and affect quality of life.

Radiation influence with Vita Tronic A low-interference environment in living and wor king environments
Vita Tronic can lower interference intensity in houses, flats and in the workplace to400-700 interference units, a range perceived as pleasant.

Unique and valuable
Special features of Vita Tronic The hexagonal Vita Tronic resonator is made of high-quality ceramics. Manufacturing is done by hand – each copy is unique. Vita Tronic is available in different colours, so you can select an appropriate colour depending on your taste and interior style. In addition to its harmonising effect Vita Tronic upgrades every living space optically though its shiny ceramic surface with the embossed flower of life.

All production steps in the manufacture of Vita Tronic will take place in our warehouse located in Europe. A high-quality end product is guaranteed during each step of production,
from the production of the ceramic container to the assembly of electronics.
The power of Vita Tronic can be adapted to the size of the available space and can be set to
a DC power supply of 3.0 V; 4.5 V; 6.0 V; Set 7.5 V up to 9.0 V DC.
Besides the standard blue version, Vita Tronic is available in other colors upon request Better quality of life Decrease of interference by means of Vita Tronic.

Observed effects
* Healthy, restorative sleep
* More vitality and increased well-being
* Harmonious living
* Better concentration and performance
* Strengthened immune system
* Activation of self-healing powers
* Revitalision of indoor and outdoor space

Physical regeneration
With Vita Tronic energy flow in cells and bodies is reactivated within a short period of time. By briefly standing or sitting (5 to 20 minutes) on the Vita Tronic the natural frequencies of cells and organs are stimulated and tensions and blockages are reduced. Vita Tronic activates all 7 main chakras, works holistically on the human body and brings the energy of life in harmony.


Expert opinion of IIREC

The International Institute for Electromagnetic Compatibility Research (IIREC) tested the effect of the Vita Tronic device unit in a detailed four-week series of tests. The tests were carried out at 15 test points, with evaluation of a total of about 8,500 individual data that were selected in the premises of a two-story office building and in its vicinity. They were up to 43 m away from the VitaTronic. Through the selection of the test points various geological and technical situations were recorded.

The effect was determined through purely physical means by measuring the flux density of the static and ultra-low-frequency magnetic field. This area is particularly
pronounced in the natural magnetic field and biologically very relevant.
For the detection of the spatial structure of the magnetic field the field coherence patterns (FKM) measurement method developed by the IIREC was applied. For objective determination of interference points and zones as well as their interference intensity the IIREC Field Gradient Divergence (FGD) process was used.

The measurements showed that on all 15 points the spatial structure of the magnetic field was more balanced. Interference points and zones were weakened or even disbanded. Although naturally not all field disturbances were eliminated by technical devices, the general consensus of the field changes at all measurement points was a convincing magnetic balancing effect of Vita Tronic technology in the context of natural and technical radiation.

MIDI Size : Cube 23 cm x 26 cm x 18 cm , 3.22 kg device weight

Size and weight with the box : 30 cm x 30 cm x 21 cm VT box, 3.9 kg device and box weight

MAXI Size : Cube 23 cm x 26 cm x 18 cm , 4.62 kg device weight

Size and weight with the box : 30 cm x 30 cm x 21 cm VT box, 5.3 kg device and box weight

MINI/CAR VITA Tronic – mobile space harmoniser

 Well-being wherever you go

The Mini Vita Tronic is the ideal solution for small apartments and the harmonization of individual working space, office, hotel room. The Mini Vita Tronic can also be used in a car, caravan, bus and boat by means of a special adapter. With Mini Vita Tronic the performance can also be individually adjusted and thus adapted to the respective room size.

With stronger influences and/or larger objects such as single or multiple party dwellings, commercial buildings and the like, we recommend use of the original Vita Tronic to achieve the optimum effect.

Size : Cube 10 cm x 11 cm x 5.5 cm , 450 gram weight

Size and weight with the box : 7 cm x 9 cm x 7.5 cm MCVT box, 630 gram device and box weight