
Metropolic IQ 

  • indoor
  • outdoor
  • coworking space
  • office
  • public space
  • retail
  • real estate
  • schools
  • F&B
  • Hospitality
  • SPA/wellness
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This category covers Urban Tissue Upgrade of all types public spaces in which we live every day, eating, working, learning, shopping, socializing, playing sports and enjoying entertainment, health and beauty services. Metropolises immunity upswing protocol goal is to make the city most well-being and sustainable space you could ever imagine.



The effect of mass human activity on the climate and our planet is today more visible than ever. The coronavirus pandemic makes us realize how connected we are. It shows us that we all breathe the same air, and drink the same water. The current global situation also shows how invasive we are, and at the same time how quickly we can improve what we’ve been spoiling over the past decades.

Let’s first look at our buildings, they have a huge impact on the environment. From energy use to construction waste and CO2 emissions. How we build, how we modernize and how we improve them determines our well-being and sustainability in the natural environment.



We spend more than 90% indoor, that is why something like the indoor air quality is really important. According to Health, Wellbeing & Productivity in Offices research, good quality of indoor air can increase our body productivity by about 10%.

Strangely enough, we rarely talk about air pollution inside rooms. However, many studies have shown that due to chemicals, machines, building and finishing materials, the air in the room can be 2-50 times more contaminated than the air outside.



Nowadays an extremely important factor in contaminating our inside air quality is electromagnetic smog – it facilitates the development of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. Scientific research has confirmed that pathogens are developing in an environment that is far from our natural space. A number of studies on the effects of artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on the human immune system show that EMFs disturb immune function through stimulation of various allergic and inflammatory responses, as well as effects on tissue repair processes. Such disturbances increase the risks of various diseases, including cancer.



We consume a lot of air. We know that everything we put into our systems affects our body – in a good or in a bad way. Every day we consume 30 kg of air. So the quality really matters.

The average company in office buildings generate 9 tons of plastic waste annually. The toxins the material leaches into seawater inhibit the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of the bacteria which is responsible for producing an estimated 20 per cent of the oxygen we breathe.



Same goes for our water: 75% of the human body consists of water. It influences our physical condition as well as our mental condition. Advanced scientific knowledge shows that the microwaves emitted by cordless phones and cell phones can change the structure of water in our body radically.

By implementing the highest quality tap water for drinking, top quality water in installations and swimming pools, we are able to reduce the consumption of chemicals by 70% per year and reduce about 10 tons of plastic waste per year.



Should be to implement a global healthy urban tissue. What we do inside has an impact on the external environment of the entire planetary ecosystem.

Retrofitting, upgrading or creating new buildings should be done accordingly. With a sustainable policy of each city, which could connect both ancient pieces of knowledge with technology, to achieve a holistic result of the human and environmental friendly metropolis.

By reducing the harmful effects of artificial electromagnetic radiation and by restoring the structure of water in cities, we are able to achieve the microbiological stability of water, soil and air.

The time has come in which the neutralization of EMI and vitalization of water, have become not only a trend but a necessity. A sophisticated combination of many natural elements from different disciplines into one harmonious whole offers unique opportunities for regeneration and development. It also allows to create a space in which the negative effects of civilization are not so noticeable.



Nature does not need us, but we do need nature.

In 2050 70% of all people will live in cities. We need a holistic strategy to reverse what we have done to the our planet and to make our concrete cities sustainable and green metropolises.

We must act now and not only talk about tomorrow. There is no planet B, and there is no tomorrow without our clear actions.

Nature IQ

  • UFO, AVL spin
  • oceans, lake
  • water resources
  • whell/underground water
  • AIR (atmosphere tech)   
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Treated sewage effluent:

  • Elimination or limitation of the use of Chlorine and other substances for water purification
  • Elimination of odor
  • Microbiological stabilization of water
  • Elimination of anaerobic metabolism
  • Easier decomposition of organic matter
  • Intensified mineralization processes – Purification


Irrigation network:

  • Elimination of algae
  • Stopping the development of algae, bacteria, fungi
  • Better rooting of plants, resistance
  • The plant is better grounded
  • Less water consumption for plants
  • Green lawns due to increased chlorophyll production


Fountains features:

  • Elimination of used chemistry for disinfection by increasing water resistance
  • Stopping the development of pathogens
  • Eliminating deposits and scale
  • Elimination of unpleasant smell oxygenation of water


Irrigation lake – what we can achieve:

  • 50% reduction of cleaning agents and water preservatives
  • Increased water transparency
  • High biological quality, no bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae inhibition
  • Better oxygenation, elimination of anaerobic metabolism
  • Increased development of pico plankton which facilitates the decomposition of organic carbon

Water IQ

  • drinking
  • potable
  • mineral
  • ground water
  • rain water
  • desalinated
  • sewage water
  • waste water
  • grey water
  • black water
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Approximately 2/3 of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, from which only about 0.2 to 0.3% is suitable as drinking water.

Water used to be drawn straight from wells or collected from channels. This meant that important properties and the natural structure of the water were preserved in their original form. These days, water is forced through miles of pipes!

Even when analyses and hygiene are alright, what we get from our pipes is energetically low-grade water. Pressure in the pipes and a variety of natural environmental disorders caused by human activity can break and destroy the natural, information carrying structure of water.


Water is not, however, ‘just water’. Water is more than just a chemical formula.

Although water is one of the most common elements on the planet Earth, you could say that among natural phenomena it behaves in the strangest or most wonderful way, depending on your point of view.

For example:

According to the laws of nature, substances expand when they get hot and shrink when they get cold. Water behaves differently. It expands when it freezes and its specific weight is reduced. Thanks to the anomalies of water, fish can survive winter in stagnant water! Water is heavier at 4°C than when colder, and sinks to the bottom. At the bottom of lakes it is therefore warmer than on the surface, and right at the top it is coldest of all. Thus the lake begins to freeze from top to bottom, while under the ice cover the warmer water layers in the depths only cool very slowly and remain fluid. Fish can survive the winter there. If bodies of water froze from the bottom to the top, all the water would soon be frozen – which according to the “laws of nature”, is what should be expected.


Water consists of two gases – hydrogen and oxygen

However, water is a liquid and not a gas unlike other similar combinations of elements.

“Water” – this familiar and yet mysterious element is more than just the chemical formula H20. It now seems to have actually been proved that water in itself has a memory, i.e. it can store information taken on from its environment. Diploma physicist Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig proved in his water analyses that water, even after the removal of toxins, can still show electromagnetic pulsations.

Source: Wasser vom Reinsten (“Purest water”) – Dr. Hendel

Also university lecturer Dr. Ivan Engler deals with the theme of water as information transmitter and describes this in his reference work “Water”.


Making water memory visible

In the sixties, currents investigator Theodor Schwenk Dip. Eng. gave us fascinating images of drops.

The Japanese water investigator Dr. Masaru Emoto also caused a stir worldwide with his water crystal photography. In Dr. Masaru Emoto’s technique, water drops are shock-frozen and then photographed enlarged 200-500 times. With his method, he studied hundreds of water samples from a wide variety of water pipes, but also from lakes and glaciers in many different places around the world.

In this way, Emoto learned that water from natural sources forms beautiful hexagonal structures, while contaminated or stressed water shows chaotic or broken crystals.


Environmental Factors and Benefits

Green technologies are innovative modules based on green energy created for commitment to a clean planet and sustainable development.

Environmental sustainability can be achieved by combining GREEN technology into a synergistic whole with maximizing energy, water and waste water efficiency systems

By neutralizing harmful man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF), water restructuring and implementations of a biodiversity of plants, we are able to achieve maximum efficiency on the way to protect our natural resources and environment not wasting the achievements of civilization.



  1. Higher microbiological stability of water,
  2. Increased self-purification of water,
  3. Elimination of hardness,
  4. Improvement of taste,
  5. Stays longer fresh,
  6. Quality improvement,
  7. TDS drop
  8. Balanced pH level
  9. High oxygen content
  10. Plastic waste reduction



  • 48% energy savings
  • 80% on chlorine and other chemical substances
  • Changing the structure of water makes it easier to displace chlorine and protects the osmotic membranes
  • Scale dissolving, prevents deposition of lime scale; anions and calcium cations combine into crystalline aragonite which does not deposit as a sediments



Suitable for :

– sewage water

– rain water

– grey water

– black water



It has been changing its structure due to the external impacts, such as:

  • Pressure in the water mains (3-9 ATm)
  • RO filtration systems and mechanical purifying
  • Artificial electromagnetic fields (satellite radiation,  electrical appliances, high voltage and cellular phone antenna towers)
  • Plastics and a variety of synthetic compounds
  • Chemical water purification process



In the water mains, thanks to continuous control, it is hygienically clean, which does not mean at all that it is healthy……

Pathogenic micro-organisms such as VIRUSES, BACTERIA, FUNGUS – are very sensitive to water structure changes. The use of vitalization causes faster death of bacteria,  which changes the water environment. Then there is notably intensified water self-cleaning and higher microbiological stability …..


Water IQ

Water molecules are information carrier

It is scientifically proven that water has „memory” – i.e. the capacity of gathering, storing and transmitting information to other water containing systems  – including living beings

„Flushing the Toilet May Fling Coronavirus Aerosols All Over” New study confirms that by flushing water in the toilet we enable viruses to transit to the air, increasing possible infections. The key is increased environmental and human resistance.”

Waste IQ

  • biodegradable compostable packaging, polymers, source material
  • composters
  • EM friendly microorganisms
  • biomass + landscape
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WasteIQ – Holistic Guidelince for Sustainable Waste Management.

The more WE are, the more advanced waste reduction solutions WE need, which really is back to the beginning.


Biodegradable or Compostable, or both?

Once All Compostable Are Biodegradable

Not All Biodegradable Are Compostable

Which Means That Instead Of Turning Into Biomass They Simply Become Microplastics



  • Biomass + landscape
  • Disposable tableware
  • All compostable dishes can be converted together with food waste to FERTILIZER,
  • Completely reducing the amount of waste generated by gastronomy, both in small restaurants and on an industrial scale
  • This way we create circular sustainability of waste management combining different sectors



Local farms use locally produced fertilizer.

  • Independence from imports – Food chain safety
  • Eliminating the use of harmful pesticides, herbicides, fungicides
  • Reduction of transport costs, reduced CO2 emissions



the whole chain of human consumption decisions eventually ends up in the FIELD, nourishing PLANTS and giving US LIFE through food and oxygen production Fertilizer.



Rebringing water structure we achieve:

  • Elimination or limitation of the use of chlorine and other substances for water purification,
  • Elimination of odor,
  • Microbiological stabilization of water,
  • Elimination of anaerobic metabolism, easier decomposition of organic matter,
  • Intensified mineralization processes – purification
  • Expected % of saving: 50% cleaning products, 80-100 % chlorine



  • Water that goes into circulation is free of harmful pathogens
  • Ultra-filtration
  • Improving the process, reducing its duration, increasing the amount of oxygen in water to 98%



Function and impact:

  • Limits the amount of pathogens and pests
  • Supports stress resistance of plants (drought)
  • Supports natural resistance to pathogens, pests
  • Limits and displaces fungal diseases


Sustainable Circular Economy of waste management is positioning UAE as a global pioneer.

The UAE Government wants to ensure sustainable development while preserving the environment, and to achieve a perfect balance between economic and social development.

Mobility IQ

  • vehicles
  • public transportation
  • aviation
  • maritime
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Using STP:

  • we active the liquid and gas media
  • STP protects the engine and fuel filter
  • STP increases safety and efficiency of work
  • STP reduce emf fields which are much stronger in electric cars – new study shows that harmful emf fields are 3 times stronger in the car than in open space
  • STP improves combustion, reduces the production of nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide
  • is suitable for cars, boats, trucks, ships

Industry IQ

  • fashion
  • facility management
  • mining
  • oil & gas
  • aluminium steel
  • accommodation and food services
  • waste management services
  • agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • construction
  • healthcare
  • manufacturing
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Here we are able to improve water quality, prolong the life of facility – filters, reduce energy costs, maintenance costs, secure water on microbiological level, reduce chemicals used during the process, reduce CO2 emissions and improve air quality.

  • increases the efficiency of the industry
  • improves the quality of waste water
  • it extends the life of the infrastructure, reduces the frequency of exchange of filters and other system components



AIR conditioning currently create 50-70% of electricity demand.

Implementation of TECH in the buildings combined with existing systems is going to reduce chemical consumption, energy consumption, decrease maintenance costs, and increased microbiological stability and air quality indoors.



Restoring the molecular structure of fluids improves gas combustion and makes it easier to push oil in pipelines, thanks to which we can save at least 25-45% of energy.

Project can be extended to green transportation where by using SUSTAIN oil vehicles can become green.



  • social & educational impact
  • sustain & environmental approach
  • going towards less waste, less plastic
  • less CO2 emissions
  • better AIR quality
  • less energy consumption


Towards NET ZERO 2050

Farming IQ

  • traditional
  • regenerative
  • vertical
  • hydroponic
  • aquaponic
  • underground
  • roof top
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Sustainable Plant System – Crops, Climate & Environment Friendly Protocol as the part of water and food security national strategies.

Water and Space solutions to improve crops quality, lifetime and nutrient content related to the improvement of soil quality, its increased coagulation, protection of the environment and water resources.


Green house farming – improved indoor environment to improve resistance of crops to hard conditions by improving their environment we increase their immunity and quality and reduce their need for water and fertilizers.


Outdoor farming – improved molecular structure of water we increase soil coagulation and improve quality and quantity of crops

Nowadays, the main problem in the agriculture sector worldwide is the shrinking water resources, genetically modified organisms, the use of chemicals such as fungicides, pesticides, herbicides, over-fertilization of the soil, CO2 emissions and air pollution and climate change factors which has strong impact on food and water security.


Sustainable Plant Protocol is nature-based holistic solution to improve quality of crops, their nutrient content, density, and extended durability without the use of chemicals which is crucial in terms of transportation and storage. Solution may be used both in classic farming but as well in vertical, hydroponic, underground, traditional, roof top. The solution is scalable depending on the size of the farming area as well as in different climatic conditions.

Our solution is innovative because it uses only laws and rules that exist in the nature since millions of years but at the same time is adaptable to work with the most advanced technologies of now days and at the same time may work independently in the most underdeveloped regions of the world. The percentage of emission of harmful substances to the environment is 0%.

It does not need any replacement, service, exchange of the components. Might be used for any time of water or any liquid to improve its quality, capacity to self-protection, reducing maintenance costs, health costs etc. It works based on the frequency combined with ancient knowledge. At the same time we connect innovation with human heritage and practices that have been used by humanity for centuries.

  • Reduce economic costs to produce a plant with saving of (water, labor, fertilizers).
  • Growing without any effect of man-made EMI (electromagnetic radiation)
  • Clean & Controlled water quality as ensuring vitalized water clusters
  • Climate control for plant inside greenhouse areas
  • Healthy plant which use a small amount of fertilizers and has high nutrition content
  • Best indoor and outdoor environment (air quality) for plant increase the production


Sustainable Plant System

  • Seeds watered with the sustainable plant system activated water sprouts notably easier and faster
  • Plants watered with the SPS activated water have increased weight and they become more resistant
  • It has been observed that the test group plants have thicker cell elements, they are stronger, store more water in the cells, which is very favorable in drought periods



Outcome 1 – reducing the salinity of waste water allows it to be reused in crops in areas where access to fresh water is limited.

Outcome 2 – increasing the oxygenation of the water allows to restore life in marine areas, rebuild coral reefs and increase the fish population, as well as balance the water pH and reduce its acidity.

Outcome 3 – restoring the water structure starts the process of its mineralization, self-cleaning and stabilization of parameters.

Outcome 4 – increasing soil coagulation prevents water loss and intersection; increasing the resistance of plants allows more water to be retained in capillaries and reduces the need for irrigation.

Outcome 5 – stabilization of the internal environment in the greenhouse allows to improve the quality of plants, their longer life, reduce production costs, inhibit the development of pathogens and fungi both inside the greenhouse and at a later stage on the harvested plants, which reduces crop waste.

Outcome 6 – the possibility of growing plants in difficult climatic conditions, saving the Earth’s natural resources, regenerating the natural environment, restoring soil properties.

Sustainable IQ

  • Metropolic IQ – green city protocol
  • Sustain Institute – SUSTAINTM Standard
  • COP28 & GreenTECH by AQUAcell partnership SKETCH
  • Wellbeing Protocol / Package
  • Sustainable IQ water / living water/ rainbow water brand – concept
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Metropolic IQ – green city protocol

  • futuristic megalopolis – advanced co living & co working sustainable spaces
  • forest cities / city farming – plants needs to protect their DNA as humans from harmful emf radiation so by reducing it and by providing them with structured water which is much more rich in energy we can achieve the highest level of oxygen to be produced
  • wellness communities – by using our green tech we reduce environmental footprint that people cause especially in the cities where the 50% of world population is living right now
  • revitalization of damaged city spaces and areas – by reducing radioactivity, soil regeneration and strengthening it we are able to regain areas that were no more able to be used



The task of the INSTITUTE is to connect young people with experienced scientists and professionals in order to create completely new rules worldwide. MASDAR blended with ready to go protocols may become HUB for GLOBAL legislations which core is climate, resilience, human, water and the ocean.


COP28 & GreenTECH by AQUAcell partnership SKETCH

How we can implement improvements in the INDUSTRIAL, COOLING and OIL sectors, setting up UAE and COP28 again milestone step ahead of other countries not only in the region but worldwide; and be a model of scalable solutions for the World blended with knowledge HUB through SUSTAIN™ Institute.



Why WELL-BEING Packages?

By purchasing our solutions as a package you are making long term investment in your health and well- being. At the same time you are positively contributing to the development of our planet by reducing carbon footprint and using less plastic. Purchase well- being package and get more for less!


Sustainable IQ water / living water/ rainbow water brand – concept

  • Living water by AQUAcell prototype
  • Special shape of the bottle that keeps the structure of water
  • Special engraver of flower of life to make the information stronger
  • Drop to drop bottle to bottle we care about you we care about earth
  • Living water self-service stations